VIDEO 1-For the cvs sparks work, pactch fightx.sff and
fightx.air files of your mugen
This files come in data folder usually into a folder of your lifebars. 2-Make sure that in the file fight.def of your mugen the scale of fightfx is properly calibrated, if the sparks look to big or small increase or decrease that number. Example of calibrated fightx.def [Files] sff = fight.sff snd = fight.snd font1 = jg.fnt font2 = num1.fnt font3 = name1.fnt fightfx.sff = fightfx.sff fightfx.air = fightfx.air common.snd = common.snd ;------------- [FightFx] scale = 2 <---------------------this is the scale ;------------- How modify your chars change the values of sparkno of all HitDef of your characters for this values: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal-Hit = 7100+(Random%8) - Normal-Cut = 7110+(Random%64) Spesial-Hit = 7200+(Random%8) - Special-Cut = 7210+(Random%64) Hyper-Hit = 7300+(Random%8) - Hyper-Cut = 7310+(Random%64) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Normal-Guard = 7000 Special-Guard and Hyper-Guard = 7010 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Example of how modify the Hitdef of your chasrs [State 200, 1] type = HitDef trigger1 = AnimElem = 3 attr = S, NA damage = 23, 0 animtype = Light guardflag = MA hitflag = MAF priority = 3, Hit pausetime = 8, 8 sparkno = 7100+(Random%8) <----------------- Normal-Hit guard.sparkno = 7000 <----------------- Normal-Guard sparkxy = -10, -76 hitsound = 5, 0 guardsound = 6, 0 ground.type = High ground.slidetime = 5 ground.hittime = 11 ground.velocity = -4 airguard.velocity = -1.9,-.8 air.type = High air.velocity = -1.4,-3 air.hittime = 15 This is another example for the explods that needs saprks more common on HitAdd like throds [State 1000, Spark] type = Explod trigger1 = AnimElem = 17 Anim = f7100+(random%8) <----------------- Normal-Hit pos = 96, 0 postype = p1 ownpal = 1 bindtime = -1 pausemovetime = -1 supermove = 1 ignorehitpause = 1 sprpriority = 2 persistent = 0