BackEdge returns the x position of the edge of the screen that is behind the player, in absolute stage coordinates.
FrontEdge returns the x position of the edge of the screen that is in front the player, in absolute stage coordinates.
LeftEdge returns the x position of the left edge of the screen, in absolute stage coordinates.
RightEdge returns the x position of the right edge of the screen, in absolute stage coordinates.
TopEdge returns the y position of the top edge of the screen, in absolute stage coordinates.
BottomEdge returns the y position of the bottom edge of the screen, in absolute stage coordinates.
1.) BackEdge
2.) FrontEdge
3.) LeftEdge
4.) RightEdge
5.) TopEdge
6.) BottomEdge
Return type:
Error conditions:
1.) BackEdge
This trigger is equivalent to the expression "ifelse(facing = 1, LeftEdge, RightEdge)".
2.) FrontEdge
This trigger is equivalent to the expression "ifelse(facing = 1, RightEdge, LeftEdge)".
3.) LeftEdge
This trigger is equivalent to the expression "CameraPos X - GameWidth / 2".
4.) RightEdge
This trigger is equivalent to the expression "CameraPos X + GameWidth / 2".
5.) TopEdge
This trigger is equivalent to the expression "Pos Y - ScreenPos Y".
6.) BottomEdge
This trigger is equivalent to the expression "Pos Y - ScreenPos Y + GameHeight".
trigger1 = Pos X + CameraPos X < BackEdge
Triggers if the player is to the left of the back edge of the screen.
trigger1 = facing * (Pos X + CameraPos X) < facing * (FrontEdge)
Triggers if the player is behind the front edge of the screen.
trigger1 = Pos X + CameraPos X < LeftEdge
Triggers if the player is to the left of the left edge of the screen.
trigger1 = Pos X + CameraPos X > RightEdge
Triggers if the player is to the right of the right edge of the screen.
trigger1 = Pos Y > TopEdge
Triggers if the player is below the top edge of the screen.
trigger1 = Pos Y < BottomEdge
Triggers if the player is above the bottom edge of the screen.